Teufelbeschlag walking on holy grounds

  • Advent Church, Hamburg
  • St. Mary, Gersdorf
  • Holy Spirit, Frankfurt
  • Trinity Church, Sievershausen
  • Salvator Church, Munich

TEUFELBESCHLAG meeting new demands in ancient buildings

Churches are usually places where one can withdraw from the hectic daily life; they offer room for meditation and contemplation. In this article we want to focus on some of our references in this segement.


Advent Church of the Evangelic-Lutheran Parish, Hamburg (picture 1)

The special challenge in these surroundings is to maintain the church's optical characteristics while integrating the modern look of our glass elements.

With its multitude of fittings, TEUFELBESCHLAG is ready to take on that challenge.


Church of St. Mary, Gersdorf (picture 2)

The sheer size of old chapels demands for using separate areas in a more economic way. This may happen by creating rooms for prayer or group activities or by separating a foyer.


Holy Spirit Church, in the Dominican Monastery, Frankfurt / Main (picture 3)

We all know ancient churches to be draughty edifices. By creating a vestibule in the entrance area with the aid of TEUFELBESCHLAG's products, this old rumour will die down in the future.


Trinity Church, Sievershausen (picture 4)

Living in a modern and lively parish brings along new demands for architects. Ancient building structures and new elements often have to be combined in a harmonic way.


Salvator Church, Munich (picture 5)

Antique frescoes and mural paintings are treasures to be preserved for future generations. Thus, they have to be shielded from harmful environmental influences. This may be done by all glass constructions in order to guarantee for an untarnished view of these artworks.


Projects in other churches in Germany and Great Britain

Evangelic Church Lagendorf / St.-Petri Church, Barbis / Evangelic Church, Harste / Wells Cathedral, Somerset, Great Britain


St.-Barbara Church, Idar-Oberstein: since 2006 a 27-panel stacking-sliding unit Series 700 helps saving energy costs in the cold season by separating a side aisle.


Holy Spirit Church, Rostock: TEUFELBESCHLAG's fittings will make a great appearance here in the near future! Stay tuned!


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